Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Jet Computer Support: Some of Our Specialties

Jet Computer Support has been helping businesses, non-profits, and government entities for more than 20 years. We offer professional services in computer systems, electronic health records and technology. Some of our specialties include:
·         Systems implementation
·         Data entry
·         Data warehouse
·         General support
·         Programming
·         Help desk
·         Project management
·         Documentation
·         Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning
·         IT department and staff management/supervision
·         Electronic health record: purchase, implementation, and modification
·         Data import and export for contract requirements
·         Development of management reports
·         Training

Business Types:

Woman Owned Business

Woman Owned Small Business

WBE Certification – #W2F0024449


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Super Script - Conditional Changes to DST (data elements) Values using uScript for Netsmart MIS/EHR

Super Script – Netsmart MIS/EHR Conditional Changes to Data (DST) Values

The Super Script that we developed and use regularly for Netsmart (previously CMHC) MIS/EHR allows changes to the Netsmart MIS database(s) when one or multiple data elements must be changed based on specific criteria.

Script behavior:
Ø  The super script is used to update both record and stand-alone DSTs (data elements) using conditional logic.
Ø  The script can make changes either to a list of registers or to all registers in a database.
Ø  The script produces two files in the print queue:  One file contains the logic used to determine when a change to the database should be made and the other shows changes that were made and to which registers.
Ø  Both stand-alone DSTs as well as record DSTs can be updated.
Ø  DSTs values can be copied from one database to another (databases must be linked with a DST containing a register ID).
Ø  When updating DSTs the script can link from one database to another so that changes can be coordinated between databases. This functionality is sometimes used to make changes to claims, ISNs, and events simultaneously.
The script can make multiple updates from one set of conditions, or multiple updates from multiple sets of conditions.  In other words, the script can update multiple DSTs (data elements) from one set of conditions, or multiple sets of DSTs (data elements) from multiple sets of conditions.  For example:

Multiple DSTs from one set of conditions:
For all clients:
If C.STATE = "OR" and C.ZIP = "97217" then set C.COUNTY to a value of "1" (Multnomah)

Multiple DSTs being updated from multiple sets of conditions:
For all clients:
If C.STATE = "OR" and C.ZIP = "97217" then set C.COUNTY to a value of "1"  (Multnomah)
If C.STATE = "WA" and C.ZIP = "98001" then set C.COUNTY to a value of "17" (King)

Use the superscript to:
Ø  Update database record layers based on multiple DST values within a record.
Ø  Coordinate updates between claims, ISNs, and events with the same changes at the same time.
Ø  Update stand-alone DSTs based on the specific values of other DSTs.
Ø  Simultaneously make multiple changes to data based on multiple conditions sets.
Ø  Delete record layers based on the DST values within the record.

Ø  The current super script cannot add DST layers. It can only change existing data or remove data.
Ø  The script only accesses one record layer per update. You cannot use the data in one record to determine if another separate record is to be updated.

Possible additional script features:
Ø  A feature can be added to allow for undoing DST changes after they are made.
Ø  Recode tables can be integrated into the script as a means of specifying the changes to be made.

Ø  A modification could be made to the script to allow for the adding of data layers. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How We Solved It:

Customer issue:
A multi-county government entity needed to convert their legacy mental health Management Information System (MIS) from a HIPAA clearinghouse model paying their contracted agencies a capitated rate or cost based (i.e. not requiring HIPAA standard transactions), to a fee-for-service model using a browser based MIS interface and requiring HIPAA standard transactions from their contracted agencies.
How we solved it:
This was a huge undertaking that required much coordination, project management, attention to detail, with industry knowledge and expertise. In addition to creating scripts to import/export HIPAA standard transactions[1] that involved programming for complicated rules for data allowed/not allowed, we also created fully customized screens in their browser-based MIS that enforced entry edits to ensure accurate data.
We were able to successfully complete all aspects of this project on time and within budget.

[1] HIPAA 837P Outpatient Claims, 270 Eligibility Inquiry (submission), 271 Eligibility Inquiry (results), 834 Eligibility from Payer, 820 Payments

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Avoid Phishing

Thank you to Intermedia for this helpful article on Phishing.  I read their blog entry and wanted to pass this article along.  I have copied their main points below:
  1. Be aware of email requests with high urgency that ask you to take quick action.  Phishers often prey on employee trust and will spoof executives to get you to comply with high urgency actions like wiring large amounts of money ASAP. Or in my case, losing my matching benefits if I didn’t immediately comply.  As a rule of thumb, if you are ever in doubt, double-check the request with the sender either by phone or by composing a new email—never reply to the email itself.
  2. Never give sensitive personal or financial information over email.  Trusted parties will never ask you for personal or financial information through email (e.g., social security numbers, account numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, etc.). Be cautious of emails that ask you to call a phone number to update your account information as well.
  3. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.  Offers ofbig bonuses, large payments or gifts (e.g., win a free iPad) are ways attackers try to get inside your head. If the promise is “too good to be true,” do some research into the individual or company before taking action.
  4. Think about whether you initiated the action.  Phishers will try to spoof well-known companies to have you reset your password, update your account or track a shipment. Always be suspicious of unsolicited email, if you didn’t prompt a password reset — don’t click the link.
I have been grateful that many Phishing scams seem very obvious.  This article describes a tricky scenario that wasn't so apparent and reminds each of us to be cautious and always alert.