Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Mindmapping - are you a fan?

Are you a fan of mindmapping? If not, you might like to do a little research about using mindmapping and the advantages. If so, checkout https://www.facebook.com/SimTechMindMapper/ software.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Documentation: Expect the unexpected... are you prepared?


These questions help evaluate your existing documentation
Are the duties of your key employees documented?
Often key staff don’t take the time to document important functions.
Is the documentation up-to-date?
During transition, often employees are too busy to document changes.
Does your team adhere to the organization documentation?
Can you quickly locate critical documentation/instructions for important agency functions?
Is there a checklist of important work, including the frequency each task shall be performed?
Do you have access to critical logins and passwords, and do multiple employees have access to needed sites, programs, functions?
Have you been reluctant to let a staff go because the job responsibilities are not documented adequately?
We have been asked to assist when key staff have required an
unexpected extended leave, or when key staff have been let go. 
Documentation of the duties was incomplete and inadequate.
Does your documentation meet auditor expectations?
If every agency was as accurate as they think,
auditing would be unnecessary.
Auditor quote: “If it’s not documented, it doesn’t count.
Have you recently experienced a corrective action plan related to documentation or internal procedures?

Do you have written instructions for:
  IT                                               Admin
  Accounting                                Medical Records
  Front Desk/Support Staff          Clinical
Would your organization find a professional review of documents and procedures helpful?  Would you like assistance with documenting key functions or preparing for/responding to audits?

                                                     800-491-4538 x2   or   info@jcs.biz

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Business Continuity and Disaster Planning: Are you Prepared?

Business Continuity:  Are you Prepared?

These questions provide a guide for evaluating your existing disaster recovery plan
Does your agency/office have a disaster recovery plan?  Has it been updated/reviewed in the last year (six months)?
Is the plan published and distributed to all staff? Are employees familiar with your disaster recovery plan?
Is the plan practiced/tested?  How frequently?
  Annual                      2x/year           3x/year
  Not Tested                                              Other _____________________________
We recommend some tests at night and some on weekends.
Does your plan include/involve the entire organization? Is there a plan specific for each unit/department in your agency?
Does your plan prioritize the safety of all staff?
Is your critical data stored at multiple locations?
Are the appointments/schedules for each employee stored on more than one computer/available if the main system is down?
Does your plan include external sources for recovery tasks (data storage, paper reclamation, etc.)?
Does your plan assign key duties to the appropriate personnel (security, publicity, data recovery, payroll, operations)?
Does your plan include a telephone calling chain?
Does your plan include a regular review of personnel contact and address information?
Does your plan identify and properly prioritize mission-critical functions to quickly resume operation?
Does your plan cover/account for the following disasters?
  Severe weather (tornados, hurricanes, storms)
  Loss of all computing capabilities                           Threat of Violence / Terrorism
  Loss of access to the building                                  Theft/Vandalism
  Key Staff Unavailable                                                                Can you locate logins/passwords?
Does your organization have a disaster recovery planning/review committee?
Would your organization like a disaster recovery planning review, or assistance with your disaster recovery plan?
                                                       800-491-4538 x2     or    info@jcs.biz

Friday, June 9, 2017

We're "official"! WOB Certified

We’re “official”!

There are many reasons to do business with Jet Computer Support.  We have staff with a wealth of expertise in their field, we offer affordable rates, and we're known for our fantastic customer service. But now there’s another great reason to work with Jet Computer Support. We have always been a woman-owned business since our founding 23 years ago, but now it’s official! We have gone through the formal process and have been certified by both Washington and Oregon as a woman-owned small business. While this isn’t a factor for many of our customers, it can be a benefit for some government agencies to experience our excellent services while meeting requirements and goals for supporting small and woman-owned businesses.  Our WOB certification with the federal government makes us not only a small business but a micro business at the federal level.

If you need our certification numbers for your records to help your organization demonstrate our woman-owned business status, our certification numbers are below.

Washington certification               # W2F0024449

Oregon certification                        #10513

Monday, January 9, 2017

Jacob Morgan - The Future of Work

How many are closer to this model now than they were in 2013? 

 Our Collabosphere keynote speaker Jacob Morgan + Chess Media Group take a look at the future of work.